Continued">Continued">Continued">Nour El Hoda – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357
Nour El Hoda
Cost 1267329 EGP
Raised 1267329 EGP

You Can Donate to the Treatment of a Child with Cancer

Today, our star is Baby girl Nour El Hoda, she is one year and a half old and comes from  Minya. Unfortunately, Nour Al Hoda was diagnosed with Covid-19 the same day she was admitted to 57357 to be treated from Leukemia.

Because we are there to support our patients under all circumstances, Nour Al Hoda was kept in isolation at the Hospital on the 4th of July,2020 until she recovered from the disease. We were racing against time to free her from corona so that she could start the cancer treatment.  She began then the  AML chemotherapy treatment protocol, but after the initial 4th session of chemo, it was evident that she would be needing a bone marrow transplant.

Thank God, her brother is donating the bone marrow that will save her life. Nevertheless, her treatment journey is a very long and difficult one and she will be needing all the support you can give her.

Contribute to realizing her dream of cure by sharing in the cost of this journey with whatever you can

Cost of treatment of Leukemia up till now is L.E. 418068

Cost of treatment of Covid-19                       is L.E.99261

Cost of Bone marrow transplant                        is L.E.750000

Total Cost                                                                 L.E. 1,267329

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