Visits and support from churches in 9 different governorates to 57357’s children during May

    Hospital 57357 welcomed visits from churches in 9 governorates, Cairo, Luxor, Alexandria, Elmenia, Alsharkeya, Almenoufeya, Alfayoum, Alqalyoubeya and Almansoura.

During May, Hospital 57357 welcomed visits from churches in 9 governorates, Cairo, Luxor, Alexandria, Elmenia, Alsharkeya, Almenoufeya, Alfayoum, Alqalyoubeya, and Almansoura. The youth and members of 76 churches along with priests came to be with 57357’s children with cancer. The visits included prayers for quick recovery of our patients and offering generous donations in the name of the churches. The churches also offered a big part of the in-kind needs of bed covers for children’s rooms.

Among the service teams of churches that we welcomed were the scout team of St. Girgis Heliopolis church, the wise team who came to 57357 with their bicycles, and the joyful hearts team. The teams created a joyful atmosphere as they played with the children and offered them nice gifts.

Thanks to our charity partners,, we have reached an overall survival rate of 71.23%. With your support our children are able to pursue their treatment journey and realize their dreams of cure.