Continued">Continued">Continued">Actor Tamer Abdel Moneim visits hospital 57357’s children – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

Actor Tamer Abdel Moneim visits hospital 57357’s children

    ActorTamer Abdel Moneim , Head of the central administration for artistic affairs, visited Hospital 57357 and discussed ways of collaboration between his administration and the Hospital. Our guest was welcomed by the CEO of the Hospital, Dr. Sherif Abouel Naga, and the Head of the public relations department, Mr. Ahmed Abdel Moneim who accompanied him … Continued

ActorTamer Abdel Moneim , Head of the central administration for artistic affairs, visited Hospital 57357 and discussed ways of collaboration between his administration and the Hospital.

Our guest was welcomed by the CEO of the Hospital, Dr. Sherif Abouel Naga, and the Head of the public relations department, Mr. Ahmed Abdel Moneim who accompanied him during his tour of the different hospital sections.

The renowned actor visited the clinical pharmacy department where he was acquainted with the most up to date and automated ways of preparing and dispensing medications as well as the different functions of the clinical pharmacist. He also visited the cyberknife unit, the latest robotic equipment in radiotherapy.

Our visitor spent time with the children in the day-care and took many pictures with them. He was delighted with the visit and thought of ways to be more involved with the children such as organizing a weekly cinema club to project entertaining films once a week at the Hospital auditorium under the supervision of the central administration for cinematographic culture. He  also suggested to

give training to the Hospital chorale that is entirely composed of hospital patients and present their performances during  the singing events of the central administration for music.