CCHE 57357’s intensive care unit is acquiring four new machines: a new ventilator, ultrasound, heaters, and nebulizer

    The advanced technology now offered by the Drager Savina ventelator 300 includes more modes that would help the medical team managing complex challenges.

The advanced technology now offered by the Drager Savina ventelator 300 includes more modes that would help the medical team managing complex challenges. Moreover, it maximizes patient comfortability through its free-breathing feature known as the open breathing concept, which allows patients to breathe freely at any time and at any level of pressure.

In pursuit of increased patient safety level, the Eco-ultrasound Versana Active is an innovative device designed to help the ICU medical staff to carry out daily images by the bedside of the patient due to the lightweight of the machine. Also, the devise allocation to the ICU offers more protection to critically ill patients from infection outside the unit. The new acquisition is regarded as a reliable system that can perform a wide range of daily examinations.

Five advanced digital patient heaters were acquired by the ICU which are used for hypothermic patients. The digital heaters are equipped to signal for any temperature abnormalities.

As for the Mymist Nebulizer, its upgraded version carries the option of adding inhaled medications to the oxygen mask. The new option permits the medication to go directly to a patient’s lungs.

Earlier, the unit had received a fleet of advanced electric beds for the unit to replace the old ones.

It is noteworthy that the department’s’ successful operation is a determining factor of preserving a patient’s life while managing chemotherapy and radiotherapy side effects.