Congratulations to Hospital 57357’s 45 patients who successfully passed preparatory school certificate exams

    Hospital 57357 is committed to enabling its patients to pursue their studies during their treatment period with the vision of securing their hope in a better future.

Joy and celebrations filled the air in Hospital 57357 after announcing the preparatory school certificate results, where 45 of the Hospital’s patients succeeded with excellence. Our brave fighters are coming from 14 governorates, Albehaira, Aldakahleya, Cairo, Alqalyoubeya, the Red Sea, Suhag, Elmenya, Aswan, Qena, Port Saeed, Algharbeya, Suez, Almenoufeya and Alsharkeya. One of the highest scores was recorded by Nada Ibrahim, from Kom Hamada, Albehaira, where she got 98%, while Yehia Ameer from Aldakahleya got 95%. The scores of the rest of our patients ranged between 90% and 95%. Congratulations are in order to our sons and daughters our sons, 57357 fighters, for their outstanding results while fighting their illness to achieve their future dreams. Our wishes of success and excellence to our patients who are taking high school exams.

It is noteworthy that Hospital 57357 is committed to enabling its patients to pursue their studies during their treatment period with the vision of securing their hope in a better future. As the treatment period is long, the Hospital established an in-hospital school, the first of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa. The school started in 2008 and receives 200 to 300 students annually. Modern School Egypt 2000 school offers a teaching team for all school grades from primary to high school. In cooperation with the different administrations of the Ministry of Education, exams are offered to the Hospital’s patients inside the Hospital. The Hospital cooperates with universities to offer scholarships in the different faculties, to high school graduates of the Hospital to help them pursue their future dreams.