- 19057
- (202) 25351500 Ext.1009 or 3061
- [email protected]

Continuing Professional Development
57357 has been accredited as a provider of CNE since 2012 by the American Nurses Credentialing Center Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA). The American Nurses Credentialing Center/Council is the world's largest and most prestigious nurse credentialing organization and a subsidiary of the American Nurses Association. CCH can approve and accredit their own nursing continuing education programs as an accredited provider. Continuing Nursing Education Unit was accredited from 2012 to 2014, reaccredited from 2014 to 2016, and reaccredited for the third time, respectively, from 2016 until 2020. From 2020 until 2024, we received accreditation as a continuing professional development unit provider in nursing. The provider unit consists of one Accredited Provider Program Director and two positions for Nurse Planner, one secretary and an education consultant. Staff is required to earn 10 NCPD credit hours per year and value NCPD credit from an accredited organization. The provider unit primarily serves the nursing staff of the Children’s Cancer Hospital. Our offerings can also be provided to others related to our topics, such as nurse aids, social workers, secretaries, porters, psychologists, and technicians. Some offerings are open to a limited number of people from the National Cancer Institute, with which we share many faculty members and from which 57357 employees originally came. Nurses visiting from the Ministry of Health may also attend the NCPD offering. All programs are currently live presentations.
Some offerings are accessible to the community through the Continuous Education Department. These offerings are presented by monitored, and credit is awarded as any other NCPD offering.
- To raise the level of nursing knowledge & skills from competence to excellence.
- To give the nurse NCPD offering approved by a recognized professional organization.
- To encourage lifelong learning.
Scope of Service
Offerings are based upon needs assessment and include:
- Operating room plan, one-hour offering for nurses in OR only.
- Workshops such as but not limited.
Professional Etiquette Team Work and Team Building Workshop, Radiation Safety Workshop, Building Self-Awareness Workshop, Emotional Intelligence Workshop, The Positive Psychology of Successful Relationship Workshop, Creative Thinking and Problem-Solving Workshop and Meeting Skills Workshop, Evidence-Based Practice, Oncology Emergencies, Venus Access Devices, Hemodialysis, ......etc.
Several courses, such as:
- The oncology course is repeated twice a year.
- Infection Control Course.
- Charge Nurse Course.
- Physical Assessment Course.
- Quality Course.
- Hospice Care Courses I, II, III, and IV were repeated as needed.
- Clinical Pharmacology Course.
- Medical Terminology Course for diploma nurse and technical nurse.
- Communicable Disease Course.
- Diabetes Mellitus Course.
- Performance Evaluation Course.
- Hepatitis Course.
- Clinical Instructor Course for clinical instructors.
- Psychiatric Course.
- Central Venous Access Device Course.
- Nursing Administration course.
- Clinical Nutrition Course.
- Professional Etiquette Course.
- Stress Management Course.
- Pain Management Course.
- Ethics and Professionalism in Nursing Practice Course.
- Scientific Nursing Research Course
- Overview
- Meet Our Team
- Continuing Professional Development
- In-Service Education Unit
- Nursing Care in the In-Patient Section
- Nursing Care in the Outpatient Section
- Learning & Development Unit
- Nursing Research Unit
- Vascular Access Device Team (VAD)
- Palliative Care Home Visits
- Central Sterilization Supply (CSSD)
- Operating Room Nurses
- Photo Gallery
- Guidelines for Nursing staff