Five Pound Message

Donate to 57357 by sending a tiny message from your mobile

Write as short as one letter in a SMS and send it to the number 57357, in doing so you donate L.E.5 to the Hospital and you contribute to the cure of a child with cancer.

Do not underestimate the worth of your contribution; your SMS will help us achieve all of the following and so much more:

  • Cover the cost of the lengthy treatment of our patients.
  • Cover the cost of the latest technology tools and equipment which enable us to provide optimum care and best outcome for our patients.
  • Restore happiness to a sick child’s family, who are hoping for his cure.
  • Support our research department which seeks to maximize our patients’ outcomes and improve treatment protocols so as to reach over-all survival rates of the developed world and beyond.

All of the above are some of the areas to which your SMS contribution would make a difference. But most importantly, remember that your donation shares in bringing back a smile on the face of a child with cancer, restoring his hope in a better future.

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