Mohamed Hegazy, MD

    Anesthesia Consultant

Anesthesia Consultant

Assistant Professor of Anesthesia, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University


  • MD. Anesthesiology, ICU and Pain relief, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University
  • MSc. Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University
  • BSc. Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University


  • Surgical Approaches, Anaesthesia Management and outcome in Pediatric Superior Mediastinal Tumors. 29 (2017) 147-153
  • Role of Surgery in Localized initially unresectable Neuroblastoma J Pediatr Urol 2018 March 31
  • The analgesic effect of preoperative pregabalin in radical cystectomy for cancer bladder patients: Ghoneim AA, Hegazy MM. Chinese-German J Clin Oncol 2013; 12:113
  • Comparative study of caudal bupivacaine versus bupivacaine with tramadol for postoperative analgesia in paediatric cancer patients. Hegazy MM, Ghoneim AA. Chinese-German J Clin Oncol 2013; 12: 118
  • Propofol versus sevoflurane for interventional diagnostic procedures using bispectral index monitoring, in ambulatory and hospitalized pediatric cancer patients: Azer M S, Ghoneim A A, Hegazy M, El Awady G A. The Medical Journal of Cairo University 2008; 76 (4).
  • Sevoflurane anesthesia in pediatrics during cranial magnetic resonance image, Is single dose thiopental of value in prevention of emergence agitation? Mohammed M Hegazy, Abear H El kouly, Magda S Azer. Eg. J. Anaesth. 25(4):327-334, 2009.