57357 pursues its achievements and development despite all the difficult circumstances:
- Big awareness campaigns and continuous equipment upgrade
- 26 clinical pharmacy specialties to serve our children
- Automating work in the Hospital for more speed and accuracy
- Working on the new expansion projects
In September of every year world efforts are joined together to provide awareness about pediatric cancer, calling for the necessity to fight and overcome this dreadful disease and declaring September of every year as the awareness month of childhood cancer. Awareness aims to save millions of children around the world through spreading knowledge about the disease and its causes in addition to rectifying wrong concepts about it.
According to the World Health Organization, WHO’s statistics, cancer is the most important cause of children death around the world and 80% of diseased children live in developing country, and one third of mortality due to cancer happens because of bad nutritional habits, lack of physical activities and smoking.
Regarding this main threat to our children’s lives, Hospital 57357is committed to fighting cancer, not just by providing free top quality care to children, but also by spreading cancer awareness and supporting preventive measures.
The team of our awareness campaign “home without cancer” exert utmost efforts in fighting the disease through many channels such as organizing lectures and seminars in schools, universities and clubs to spread awareness about healthy nutrition and living guidelines, producing and distributing awareness fliers and brochures, in addition to the website “home without cancer” which provides complete information about cancer types and treatment, preventive measures, healthy nutrition, the importance of physical activities, protecting children against passive smoking and other information.
With the advancement of cancer treatment in developed countries the rate of cancer survival is raised to reach 85%. At Hospital 57357 where the average survival rate is around 75%, we pursue to reach world rates by following latest treatment protocols, applying international standards in quality and infection control, our commitment to research, and offering training and learning programs to all staff categories.
Throughout the past months, and despite the harsh circumstances, latest treatment and diagnostic equipment were acquired and provided to a number of departments along with completely automating the labs, clinical pharmacy, blood bank and others. There are currently 26 specialties within the clinical pharmacy to serve our children, in addition to working continuously in the new expansion project despite the decrease in donations.
During the childhood cancer awareness month, we are inviting you to join 57357’s friends and participate in the fight against childhood cancer.