The First Nutrition Support for Pharmacists

Basic Clinical Nutrition Pharmacy:
- Nutrition introduction, oral nutrition and nutritional support formulas
- Enteral nutrition and Calculate nutritional requirements.
- Parenteral nutrition background (macronutrients and micronutrients)
- parenteral nutrition cases and calculations.
- IV order of mixing for parenteral order and practices.
Shadowing in working area for practices and discussion Learning Objectives
By the end of this training / course participants will be able to:
At the end of this rotation, trainee should be able to:
- Identify the difference between the nutritional support formulas available in hospital
- Calculate nutritional requirements. (osmolality, calories need and fluid volume)
- Identify nutritional intervention in cases of renal and hepatic dysfunction
- Determine the importance of clinical nutrition for cancer patients.
- Calculate doses for enteral nutrition.
- Monitor enteral and parenteral nutrition
- Identify the difference between enteral and parenteral nutrition
- Identify appropriate formulae for nutritional support
- Do parenteral nutrition calculations
- Identify drug nutrient interaction
- Determine the daily calories from oral intake. Define the aseptic technique
- Understand the ISO classification of clean room
- Illustrate the stability and compatibility of IV medications
- Use and apply the standards in the USP 797&800
- Understand the TPN ordering
1week (3 days clinical nutrition and 2 days TPN preparation)
Days | Topics |
Day1 | Oral nutrition and nutritional support formulas |
Enteral nutrition and Calculate nutritional requirements. | |
Day2 | Parenteral nutrition background (Macronutrients and Micronutrients) |
Parenteral nutrition cases and calculations. | |
Day 3 | IV order of mixing for parenteral order and practices |
Day 4 | TPN Preparation aseptic technique |
Day 5 | TPN preparation aseptic technique |
Available Dates
Wave | Dates |
Wave 1 | 07\7\2024-11\7\2024 |
Wave 2 | 14\7\2024-18\7\2024 |
Wave 3 | 21\7\2024-25/7\2024 |
Wave 4 | 28\7\2024-01\8\2024 |
Wave 5 | 04\8\2024-08\8\2024 |
Wave 6 | 11\8\2024-15\8\2024 |
Wave 7 | 18\8\2024-22\8\2024 |
Wave 8 | 25\8\2024-29\8\2024 |
Wave 9 | 01\9\2024-05\9\2024 |
Wave 10 | 08\9\2024-12\9\2024 |
Wave 11 | 15\9\2024-19\9\2024 |
Target Audience
All pharmacy students and Fresh graduates
Certificate Requirements
In order to receive your certificate, you have to attend not less than 70%
• Students must attend 70% of each onsite to receive certificate “Completion of Pre & post assessment and program survey
• Hard copy for 100 Egyptian Pounds
• Soft copy for free