This workshop is designed to assist students in identifying the necessary steps to be undertaken during their study period. It aims to prepare them for a successful transition into the job market, equipped with the professionalism and resilience needed to excel in their chosen field.

By the end of this training participants will be able to:

  1. Formulate a training plan to maximize the benefits of the study period.
  2. Identify the appropriate training programs corresponding to each academic level.
  3. Acquire the necessary technical skills relevant to one’s field.
  4. Cultivate self-confidence to deal with professional challenges effectively.
  5. Develop effective communication skills for effective interaction with peers and professionals.
  6. Demonstrate problem-solving abilities in various contexts.
  7. Recognize the significance of working under pressure.
  8. Understand the importance of maintaining a LinkedIn account for professional networking.
Day 19:0011:30Exploring Career Opportunities in Biotechnology:
· Understand the diverse career opportunities available in the field of Biotechnology, including laboratory work, hospital settings, infection control, academic research, bioinformatics, nanotechnology, and in vitro fertilization (IVF).
·Gain insights into the application process of scholarships abroad specifically tailored to Biotechnology studies.
12:001:00Enhancing Technical Skills in Biotechnology
.Gain proficiency in the operation and utilization of various types of pipettes commonly used in laboratory settings, enhancing precision and accuracy in scientific experiments.
.Understand and adhere to infection control and quality assurance protocols, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations in laboratory environments.
2:003:00Tour in the clinical pathology laboratory.
Flow cytometry unit
* Identification of lab equipment and providing brief explanation of each unit.
Day 2 9:0012:00Session:
-The role of biotechnology in the laboratory.
-Requirements for being a member of the laboratory team.
-The process of CAP accreditation.
-The significance of the genetics lab in various contexts
-Identification of laboratory equipment.
12:301:00Tour in the clinical pathology laboratory.
2. Chemistry.
3. Microbiology.
** Identification of lab equipment and providing brief explanation of each unit
1:00 1:30 Break.
1:302:00Tour in the clinical pathology laboratory.
5. Molecular biology.
6. Virology.
** Identification of lab equipment and providing brief explanation of each unit
Day 32:003:30Interpersonal skills:
·Develop effective communication skills for interacting with colleagues, supervisors, and patients in medical settings Enhance problem-solving.
·Abilities to address issues and challenges efficiently within medical contexts.
·Grasp the significance of resilience and the ability to perform under pressure, particularly in high-stress medical institutions. 
4:006:00· Confidence-Building Through Gaming.
·Foster a supportive environment for participants to overcome fear and enhance self-confidence through interactive gaming experiences.
·Provide opportunities for participants to practice self-expression and effective communication skills in a safe and enjoyable setting.
  • Several cohorts from July to September 2024

3 days (Friday , Saturday and Friday )

Certificate Hours : 15 Hours

Faculties of Agriculture, Biotechnology, Sciences.

In order to receive your certificate, you have to attend not less than 70%
• Hard copy for 100 Egyptian Pounds
• Soft copy for free

The fees of the course will be directed towards the treatment of our children.

Course Fees and Registration