Medical Administrator Program

Program Overview
Medical administrators are an integral line of communication between different healthcare professionals and patients. This program provides an overview of medical office principles, practices, and operations with a focus on developing medical office assistant skills. Areas of study include medical terminology, pharmacology, computer applications, medical office scheduling, etc.
Program Goals
The overall goal of the program is to train a medical administrator to be competent in the provision of administrative , clinical related duties and to interact effectively with different healthcare professionals.
Program Modules
Module 1: Soft skills
Soft skills are abilities that relate to how you work and how you interact with other people. Popular soft skills include communication, teamwork and other interpersonal skills. Employers look for soft skills in candidates because these skills are hard to teach and are important for long-term success. Soft skills are different from hard skills, which are technical and job-specific.
Module 2: Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is a powerful service designed to unleash the best ideas, get things done and stay connected on the go.
You can demonstrate your increased performance, individual differentiation and personal confidence. it allows individuals to validate their skills and progress toward their career goals.
Module 3: Pharmacology
In this module participant will learn about the key principles governing what the body does to a drug and, in turn, what a drug does to the body. We will go through the journey of the understanding of basic pharmacology of the medication and its interaction with the patient and the disease. This will make us all able to have an impact on the success of the care for our patients.
Module 4: English Language
This module aims to enhance the learners’ four language skills with further focus on spoken communication. The module presents the language learned in various contexts related to the medical administration field. Learners practice the language through simulations and role plays. The module also prepares the learners for the medical terminology course by introducing medical terms.
Module 5: Hospital Informatics System
For all hospitals and clinics, the administrator is an integral part when dealing with patients to ensure a high quality of patient care and experience. Thus, automating secretary workflow is a must. This module demonstrates the automated administrator’s workflow by allowing medical administrator to use any health information system especially Cerner to know how to schedule appointments, register new and existing patients, and create patient lists.
Module 6: Infection Control
The module presents a set of safty and infection control principles such as standard precautions; hand hygiene, PPEs, environmental hygiene, waste management, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette, isolation precautions; needle-stick injury, and vaccination.
Module 7: Quality Management & Patient Safety
Ensuring patient safety and healthcare quality is critical and should be a key focus of everyone in healthcare practice. This module provides participants with an introduction to the knowledge and skills needed to lead patient safety and quality improvement initiatives. Participants will learn the basics of quality documentation.
Module 8: Patient Excellence
This module aims to develop employees who are committed to advancing patient experience in their organizational setting. Participants will be provided with information about the concepts of patient satisfaction and experience. It is designed to allow participants to reflect on current knowledge of the patient experience and service principles that affect their everyday work.
Module 9: Medical Terminology
The module teaches how medical terminology is created by studying Latin roots of medical words and word formation by adding prefixes and suffixes. In addition to word formation, the learners will know the correct pronunciation of medical words through studying stress patterns and different word parts (nouns, adjectives and verbs). The module also covers the medical terms related to body parts and functions, pathology and surgical interventions.
Program Duration
Start Date: 15 Nov 2021
7 months
2 days per week
(Monday & Wednesday) per week from 3:00pm to 6:00pm
Target Audience