Using high-throughput state- of- art technologies, life science researchers can identify and characterize most of the small molecules or metabolites in a given cell, tissue, or organism. The course provides participants with a detailed understanding of the fundamental principles of key issues of metabolism and related metabolomics studies. In addition, the course provides participants with hand-on experience on handling datasets and using bioinformatic tools for the analysis of metabolomics data.

The course is conducted as 2 days/week for a duration of one month and combines lectures, computer-based practical sessions and interactive discussions.

The course covers many topics: understanding metabolism; metabolomics technologies; data collection and analysis; using pathway databases; performing pathway analysis; conducting univariate and multivariate statistics; working with metabolomic databases; and exploring chemical databases. Hands-on practical tutorials using various data sets and tools will assist participants in learning metabolomics analysis techniques.

The provides a platform for discussion of the key questions and challenges in the field of metabolomics, from study design to metabolites identification.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the application of mass spectrometry in metabolomics.
  • Understand and discuss current trends and challenges in metabolomics.
  • Understand the basics of metabolomics, metabolism, and associated major metabolic pathways.
  • Understand the structural and mechanistic aspects of cellular biology.
  • Understand the basis of mass spectrometric usage for metabolomics.
  • Understand the metabolism and the interaction of the metabolome with the genome, proteome and the environment.
  • Demonstrate competence in a wide range of modern molecular biology (omic) techniques.
  • Apply metabolites techniques in specialized areas of the medical and basic sciences.
  • Learn the experimental approach for solving problems and making new discoveries in medical and basic research.
  • Apply pathway mapping and biomarker discovery in medical and basic research
  • Design, analyze, and evaluate a metabolomics experiment.
  • Learn data normalization and transformation with and without internal standards and quality controls.

Prof. Sameh Magd Eldin; DVM., PhD. Head of proteomics research program unit; Basic research department.

Dr.Sameh Ali

Prof. Sameh Magd Eldin; DVM., PhD. Head of proteomics research program unit; Basic research department.

Dr.Sameh Ali

Dr.Engy Ahmed

Dr. Eman Abdelnaby

Chem.Hassan Ismail
