Continued">Continued">Continued">Visits and generous monetary and in-kind donations from churches to support 57357’s children – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

Visits and generous monetary and in-kind donations from churches to support 57357’s children

    Throughout July and August 2023, Hospital 57357 welcomed a number of visits from churches inside and outside Cairo, which reflect the continuous support our children receive from religious institutions. Their visits are far from being ordinary as their youth and priests exert maximum effort to extend all forms of moral support including spending quality time … Continued

Throughout July and August 2023, Hospital 57357 welcomed a number of visits from churches inside and outside Cairo, which reflect the continuous support our children receive from religious institutions. Their visits are far from being ordinary as their youth and priests exert maximum effort to extend all forms of moral support including spending quality time with the patients, offering them nice gifts and holding prayers for their quick recovery. In addition they offered the Hospital money and in-kind donations.

The Hospital received delegations from Great Martyr Gerges Church, Martyr Stephanos Church in New Maadi, Al Tayeb Al Maskoub and Al Samery Al Saleh teams from Alexandria, the faculty of Sciences group of  Al Botrosia church, Great Martyr Mar Gerges church in Suhag, Martyr Demiana Chuch in Shobra, Martyr Demiana Church in Alharam, Martyr Mar Gerges in Damietta, and Martyr Mar Gerges in Heliopolis. All visitors surrounded our children with love and support.

Our gratitude to all the visiting churches and priests, who are of great support to our children and their families.