Important Projects to be Completed

Important projects are to be completed to maintain the hospital’s leading position as a pediatric oncology hospital, providing excellent comprehensive quality services for free and generating additional income through the exploitation of service surplus for the benefit of the community.
Despite the decline in donations, there are essential projects the Hospital’s management is committed to completing to enhance its healthcare and research capabilities and to safeguard the Hospital’s standing and performance excellence. Through these projects, management also seeks to make available new sources of income to the hospital to help cover exorbitant operating expenses, especially during the country’s and hospital’s difficult global economic situation.
- Proton therapy unit
- Emergency Department Renovation
- Electricity and water stations and car parking – outpatient clinic building
- Increasing the current Hospital’s electricity capacity
- Expansion of BMT unit
Proton therapy unit
The philosophy behind acquiring proton therapy stems from the far-sighted vision of Hospital 57357, which relies on continuous development and progress to reach world survival rates. This radiotherapy treatment with protons has the advantage over the conventional one with photons, producing minimal side effects and a higher degree of tumor ablation, hence protecting children from any complications that may affect life quality after recovery. This new therapy, the most advanced radiation therapy offered today, will be available for adult patients, generating revenue for the hospital.
It will make 57357 a reference center for this treatment in the MENA area, which contributes to securing additional income for the Hospital to provide quality services to its patients.
Electricity and water stations and car parking – outpatient clinic building
The project aims to provide the electricity and water needed for the outpatient clinic building, proton therapy building, and car parking.
Increasing the current Hospital’s electricity capacity
The project aims to increase the capacity of the Hospital’s electricity station to cover the needs of the Hospital’s internal expansion projects.
Expansion of BMT unit
Every new bed in the bone marrow transplantation unit means a second chance at life for a sick child.
Within the framework of improving the chances of cure and saving more children’s lives, Hospital 57357 is currently pursuing to expand the BMT unit and increase the number of beds from 9 to 27.
BMT is a costly treatment and requires special care of the patient. It rekindles hope in saving a patient who is faced with relapses of the disease after failure of traditional chemotherapy or radiotherapy, as it improves the chances of cure.
With your donation for the BMT expansion, you can save many high-risk tumor cases and grant them a chance at life.
Emergency Department Renovation
Your donation in favor of the emergency department contributes to saving our children’s lives, reducing their hospitalization period, and raising survival rates.
Hospital 57357’s emergency department’s mission is to provide prompt, accurate, and efficient handling of emergency cases, which are patients in critical condition that may lead to death.
With the opening of the Hospital in 2007, the emergency department started with two rooms. In 2013, it was increased to seven rooms. With the increase in the Hospital capacity, the number of emergency cases was multiplied. Currently, the department receives more than 2000 cancer patients monthly. This number is enormous in comparison with international hospitals specialized in pediatric oncology and urged the need to upgrade the department to overcome challenges such as overcrowding of patients and their families in the department, which prevents the timely and accurate handling of cases according to the highest care and infection control standards.
Patients who come to the emergency department for supportive treatment (treatment required after chemotherapy doses and low immunity-associated symptoms) represent 50% of the totality of admitted cases.
Scientific studies asserted that the speed of decision-making at the beginning of supportive treatment offered to patients with low immunity reduces the rate of death and intensive care admission rate, as well as the period of stay in the hospital. This helps to make optimal use of the hospital’s capacity. Here comes the importance of upgrading the emergency department to preserve our children’s lives.
Currently, we have already started working on upgrading the emergency department by obtaining a suitable design that offers:
1- Increasing the department capacity from 7 to 14 rooms to accommodate the increase in the number of patients
2- Designing a seamless flow system that saves time during the patient’s journey in the emergency department
3- Increasing the patients’ waiting area from 26 meters to 55 meters
4- Increasing the area of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation room
5- Doubling the number of isolation rooms (rooms that are isolated and air filtrated)
6- Suitable places to facilitate work performance with high precision
7- Conducting a study to equip the department with devices that facilitate accurate diagnosis and speed up decision-making
We are confident that, with your support, we can make it happen, which will contribute to carrying on our mission with the same quality and distinction we are accustomed to, safeguarding our children’s lives and increasing survival rates.