Just be faithful to God, ignore the offense and keep working
On his first visit to Hospital 57357, Bishop Antony of Ireland, Scotland, north east England and 10 churches in south England, revealed that 57357 is an impressive Hospital that houses expertise and fine specialties, high quality treatment as well as advanced research. Moreover, and more importantly, besides the Hospital’s capabilities, its staff is performing their duties with most devotion and dedication.
I followed the Hospital’s news and the repeated offences to its reputation and since then I wanted to visit it. I felt that God was guiding me to visit this Hospital to personally encourage you to continue your beautiful work and to ignore the offence. You should just keep working, be strong and don’t give up as you are carrying out a noble mission.
Back in 2008, I got three types of cancer which is a rare incidence that happens in one out of 30 million people. at that time, physicians gave me only three months to live. I decided to ignore them, live day by day, keep working and did notgive up. Today, after 12 years, I am still alive without worrying about death as the most important thing is not to give up.
During the visit that was organized by the religious institutions outreach unit, Bishop Antony visited the children, prayed for them, offered them gifts and provided a generous donation to contribute to supporting the expansion projects.
The Bishop met with the Hospital’s general manager to discuss cooperation opportunities and to help us in establishing Egyptian Cancer Network, ECN-England, similar to ECN USA and Canada.