Amid the cheerful atmosphere of Christmas, 57357’s children met with kind hearted people who came to share with them the Christmas celebrations . The Hospital welcomed a big number of youth from Abaseya cathedral, Almenoufeya Churche and churches in Nasr City, Hadek Alkoba, Shobra, Albasatin and Almokatam. The guests visited our children in the different sections and delighted them with nice gifts. At the end of the visit they made generous monetary and blood donations to contribute to our children’s treatment journey.

Our gratitude for all the kind hearted who went the extra mile and came to spend time with the children. we are confident that our children have a special place in the heart of every Egyptian ever since the Hospital’s inception.
It is noteworthy that the Hospital welcomes daily many visits from religious institutions who are engaged in supporting our children spiritually and in contributing to their treatment. 57357’s religious institutions outreach unit organizes campaigns in mosques and churches where they provide cancer awareness and healthy living guidelines lectures. During the campaigns, the Hospital’s awareness and nutrition teams accompanied by lab’s specialists conduct vitamin D test and provide answers for enquiries about cancer causes, protection methods and healthy nutrition.
In 57357 you encounter Egyptians from all walks of life rallied around our children to share with them the joy of the feast.