Continued">Continued">Continued">Overview – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

Continuous Performance Improvement Department

  • 19057
  • (202) 25351500, Ext. 3066


Quality is work perfection; according to prophet Mohamed, “God loves if one of you does a job that he masters it,” and health institutions, in particular, need a special type of quality to protect patients and staff, be it the medical team, nursing or employees, to safeguard them from infection. The quality unit’s role is to ensure that everyone does his assigned tasks perfectly, with no probability of mistakes, which is the concept we all abide by.

Establishment history

The quality department is one of the departments planned for since the Hospital was just an idea, as the success of any health institution depends on the extent to which it applies quality standards and requirements. These standards must be observed during the planning and construction phases, enabling the institution to work professionally. As such, at Hospital 57357, they planned very early on to set up the quality department, which eventually became a continuous performance improvement department, aiming to provide the best free medical quality care to children, according to local and world standards with the most cost-effective manner which would enable the treating of the most significant number of patients with the highest degree of quality and efficacy.