Genomics and Epigenomics Research Program
- 19057
- (202) 25351500, Ext. (7218 - 7225)
- [email protected]

Our Genomics lab is equipped with cutting edge technology to enable multiple pipelines of research from start to finish. The following are some of the major technologies housed in our facility.
- Nanopore MinION Mk1C Sequencer
- Illumina NextSeq 550 Sequencer
- Illumina MiSeqDx Sequencer
- Illumina iScan Microarray
- DeNovix Fluorometer
- NanoDrop OneC
- Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer
- LabChipGX Touch
- The QuantStudio™ 6 Flex system PCR System
- ProFlex™ PCR System

Nanopore MinIOn Mk1C is a powerful sequencing technology with the capacity to produce up to 50 Gb data from a single flow cell. It’s also capable of sequencing short reads to ultra-long reads more than 4 Mb providing an ultimate experimental flexibility. Nanopore is capable of performing variable and different application including whole genomes/exomes, metagenomics, targeted sequencing, whole transcriptome and many other applications.

The NextSeq 550 System brings the power of a high-throughput sequencing system to your benchtop. With tunable output and high data quality, it provides the flexible power you need for whole-genome, transcriptome, and targeted resequencing plus the ability to scan microarrays including the Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip and other select BeadChips.

A widely adopted next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology worldwide which is responsible for generating more than 90% of the world’s sequencing data. It can allow most of the compatible Illumina Cancer panels. It can also screen for miRNA and mRNA to measure expression level in samples. Whole bacterial genomes and even entire human genes can be completely sequenced too. The Illumina sequencer can support many panels such as cancer panels and costs vary based on the output, coverage needed and number of samples.

Microarray is a system that supports an expansive portfolio of genetic analysis assays. It is able to do high-throughput genotyping across entire human genomes. It is a scanner that can read bead chips carrying probes that represent 850k SNP’s across the human genome. This is used for large population studies that investigate disease variants between a control group and disease group.

It’s a compact instrument that delivers full spectrum analysis and is ideal for rapid DNA and protein quantification. You simply pipette and measure. It is used to quantify DNA to ensure that the amount is sufficient enough to allow library preparation for either sequencing on the MiSeqDx or genotyping using the illumine iScan.

Nanodrop OneC is a spectrophotometer designed to measure microvolumes with accurate concentration and purity just in 1 – 2 µl of nucleic acid or protein.

It’s a microfluidics-based platform for sizing, quantification and quality control of DNA used to ensure proper library before proceeding with sequencing on MiSeqDx.

It facilitates real-time PCR based TaqMan assays for individual SNP genotyping and measuring of gene expression. It detects small differences in PCR melting (dissociation) curves to allow Identification of new variants quickly and accurately.

A thermal cycler used to amplify segments of DNA via the polymerase chain reaction. It can take up to three separate sets of reactions – each set is 4 strips of 8-tubes – to run experiments simultaneously.