Continued">Continued">Continued">Tya – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357
Cost 446512 EGP
Raised 446512 EGP

You Can Donate to the Treatment of a Child with Cancer

Tya, a 57357 fighter waiting for BMT with her lanterns
Tya is a 3 year old child with cancer. She was admitted to Hospital 57357 in August 2023 and was diagnosed with cancer on the adrenal gland, above the kidney. Our heroine suffered from severe fever, lost the ability to move and was bleeding from the mouth and nose. Once she was admitted she started chemotherapy, where she took 6 sessions then had a surgery to remove the tumor followed by 3 chemotherapy sessions, and currently waiting for the fourth session on the fourth of Ramadan. The follow up tests showed the disease spread in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. Yesterday she had x-rays and bone marrow aspiration to be ready for autologous bone marrow transplantation to save her life.
Tya is a heroine who bears bravely sickness pains and harshness of treatment with a pretty smile on her face. She is celebrating Ramadan with her three lanterns which were given to her as gifts from the Hospital’s visitors.
I cannot thank the Hospital and all of its team enough, for what they are doing to help our children and the donors who contribute to our children’s treatment. Tya is my only daughter, and I was desperate of seeing her getting better, my heart was cut apart when I saw her in pain before admission to the Hospital. I barely believed myself when I found her getting better after the first chemotherapy dose. Her pain disappeared and she started to play, laugh, walk  and become active again. The Hospital restored my hope in her recovery, thanks to the dedication of their doctors and nurses. May God grant her healing.
Your support with ongoing sadaka, will help Tya, and many children like her. It will enable the Hospital to expand the BMT unit and eliminate the waiting lists.
Hospital 57357 –  – chemotherapy sessions – cancer on the adrenal gland- Bone Marrow transplant expansion-on-going sadaka donation
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Tya, a 57357’s heroine waiting for BMT while celebrating Ramadan with her lanterns

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