Continued">Continued">Continued">Course Objectives – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

Pharmacy Short Courses in Collaboration with ACPE- SMART Pharmacy Education

The intense program aims at raising awareness of the importance of bringing about positive change in the pharmacy profession in Egypt at all levels of education and practice i.e.  individual pharmacist, organizational, national and patient levels.By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Introduce the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) model in pharmacy
  • Describe best models of CPD
  • Explain how quality of education leads to the quality of services
  • Identify how practitioners’ competencies can be assessed and results applied to the professional development process
  • Describe the concept of a pharmacist’s learning portfolio and discuss the format
  • Design a tailored education plan for competency development
  • Connect educational outcomes with competency development using the principle of Commitment to Change
  • Discuss a possible SMART Pharmacy Program in Egypt
  • Empower preceptors by introducing the pharmacist as an educator and mentor Preceptors development in clinical skills
  • Utilize assessment & feedback as important parts of professional development in mentoring

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