Continued">Continued">Continued">Program Description – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

Program Description

The pharmacy residency program offered CCHE 57357 is a one-year program which starts by15-day orientation followed by rotations in all different competency areas.

It will include two types of competency areas; required and electives. Beside the competency areas rotations, the resident will participate in longitudinal experience such as leadership meetings and pharmacy therapeutic committees.

The resident will also participate in journal clubs, present cases in front of his/her colleagues and preceptors, and by the end of the year he/she must submit a final research project.

Required Elective
IV admixture ICU
Dispensing pharmacy BMT
Inpatient (Solid & Hematology) ER
Outpatient (Daycare, MSC, & OPD) Extemporaneous preparation
Infectious disease PMMU
Operation room Nutrition
Medication Safety Nuclear pharmacy

Contact Us

Program Coordinator

Program Director