Continued">Continued">Continued">Instructors – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

The International Workshop for Radiation Oncology in collaboration with Pediatric Radiation Oncology Society

Course Directors
Soha A. Ahmed; MD, lecturer in Department of Radiotherapy -Aswan University and Consultant Radiotherapy in 57357 Hospital (Egypt)
Natia Esiashvili; MD, Associate professor in Department of Radiotherapy Emory University, USA
Natia Esiashvili; MD, Associate professor in Department of Radiotherapy Emory University, USA
Arnold DELA Crus Paulino; MD, Professor in Department of Radiotherapy University of Texas MD Anderson Center
Anita Mahajan; MD Professor in Department of Radiotherapy University of Texas MD Anderson Center.
Klaus Seiersen, PHD Medical Physics, Aurhus University Hospital.
Mohamed S. Zaghloul; MD Prof and Chairman Radiation Oncology Department, 57357 Hospital and NCI, Cairo University Egypt
Soha A. Ahmed; MD, lecturer in Department of Radiotherapy -Aswan University and Consultant Radiotherapy in 57357 Hospital (Egypt)

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