Continued">Continued">Continued">Egypt’s artificial intelligence initiative delegation visits 57357’s children – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

Egypt’s artificial intelligence initiative delegation visits 57357’s children

    Hospital 57357 welcomed a delegation of members of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiative.  The AI initiative  headed by Ms. Eman Alwaraki, the initiative founder, Mr. Mahmoud Altamim, the initiative’s patron along with 20 of the initiative members, are visiting the Hospital for the first time.. The initiative is involved in diffusing and following up on … Continued

Hospital 57357 welcomed a delegation of members of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiative.  The AI initiative  headed by Ms. Eman Alwaraki, the initiative founder, Mr. Mahmoud Altamim, the initiative’s patron along with 20 of the initiative members, are visiting the Hospital for the first time.. The initiative is involved in diffusing and following up on everything related to AI worldwide, moreover it offers training to improve journalists’ performance using AI, to keep up with the resulting new challenges that face all those who are responsible for content in the labor market. The guests were welcomed by Dr. Motaz Elzemaity, medical director of Hospital 57357 as representative of Dr. Sherif Abouel Naga, 57357 group’s CEO and the Hospital’s general manager. The visit falls within the framework of the concern of the initiative’s members to safeguard the humanitarian aspect and input of its activities, and to learn about the AI’s role in a hospital setting. The delegation visited the Hospital’s different sections, including the clinical pharmacy, the pathology lab and the cyberknife, to get acquainted of the latest technology the Hospital relies on to offer its children the best medical care. The guests also visited the art therapy recreation center, where they participated in the birthday celebration of one of the patients. One initiative member organized a story telling workshop through which she shared  interesting information with the children. The delegation offered the children drawing sketches and colors.

Ms. Alwaraki, the founder of AI initiative shared its members organize workshops and zoom meetings to offer consultation on writing skills to journalists and other content writers. About the visit Ms. Alwaraki expressed how proud she was with the Hospital’s adoption of latest technologies in the different specialties and sections, such as the automated medication dispensing device and process and high precision automated lab equipment; all of which contribute to increasing rapidity and efficiency of services and reducing human errors which results in offering the best care to the children. At the end of the visit our guests were impressed with the Hospital’s provision of comprehensive care that includes the psychological and social aspects of care besides the medical one offering the children all means of relaxation and psychological wellbeing.