Continued">Continued">Continued">Jana’s mother: inside 57357, I am freed from the burden of treatment expenses; I consecrate my time to watch over herAfter a 2 year treatment journey, with God’s grace, she recovered and is now in the follow-up phase – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

Jana’s mother: inside 57357, I am freed from the burden of treatment expenses; I consecrate my time to watch over her
After a 2 year treatment journey, with God’s grace, she recovered and is now in the follow-up phase

     When Jana got sick 3 years Nothing is dearer than one’s childago, I took her to all hospitals in Bani Soueif where nobody knew what she suffered from. Her condition worsened day by day: headaches, fainting, body aches. I wished I could take her to the best doctors, but we have very little means. Her father … Continued

 When Jana got sick 3 years Nothing is dearer than one’s childago, I took her to all hospitals in Bani Soueif where nobody knew what she suffered from. Her condition worsened day by day: headaches, fainting, body aches. I wished I could take her to the best doctors, but we have very little means. Her father is a day laborer and she has 3 younger siblings.I left my 4 kids and went to work in the fields alongside my husband to be able the two of us to afford the cost of tests, scans, visits to doctors, and medication in private clinics. Finally, they told us she had leukemia and advised us to go promptly to Hospital 57357.Knowing this, we got so scared and rushed to 57357, afraid of the disease and more so of the cost of treatment.As soon as Jana was admitted, I felt a big load off my chest I saw how organized and clean the Hospital is. The care and treatment are timely administered. Everything is for free including meals. She is even asked about her food preferences on a daily basis. There is even a psychiatrist who helps her overcome the fear of needles and treatment.I left my work and consecrated my time to watch over her as I was reassured that at the Hospital, they were in charge of everything.  The treatment lasted a long time, more than 2 years during which she took so many medications, injections, chemo sessions, and periodical tests and scans to evaluate her response to the treatment. So many expenses borne by the hospital out of donors’ gifts and contributions. Sometimes Jana had to be hospitalized and other times she went back home. Before leaving the hospital, Doctors and pharmacists would explain to me how to deal with Jana and her medication and treatment at home. In the event of any problem, I would speak to Dr. Ahmed Emad in the emergency department who would answer me immediately and direct me on how to solve it, God bless him, God bless them all.Thanks be to God, Jana completed the treatment and we are starting the follow up phase. Jana is back to playing with her siblings. I am forever grateful to God, to the doctors, nurses, and pharmacists.I do not know who donates to the Hospital, but I surely know the outcome of their generous donations which is the recovery of my Jana. God bless them and reward them all!